How to print powerpoint with notes?

Printing PowerPoint Slides with Speaker Notes: A Comprehensive Guide

Printing PowerPoint presentations with speaker notes can be a valuable tool for presenters who wish to have a hard copy of their notes alongside their slides. Whether you’re preparing for a meeting, lecture, or conference, having your speaker notes in hand can provide a helpful reference during your presentation. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to print PowerPoint slides with speaker notes, ensuring you have everything you need to deliver a successful presentation.

Step 1: Open Your PowerPoint Presentation

Begin by opening the PowerPoint presentation you wish to print with speaker notes. Ensure that your speaker notes are properly added to each slide. Speaker notes can be added in the “Notes” section located beneath each slide in the PowerPoint interface.

Step 2: Access the Print Settings

Once your presentation is open, navigate to the “File” menu at the top left corner of the PowerPoint window. Click on “File” to access the dropdown menu, and then select “Print” from the options provided. Alternatively, you can use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + P (Command + P on Mac) to access the print settings directly.

Step 3: Choose Print Layout

In the print settings dialog box, you will see several options for printing your PowerPoint presentation. Look for the section titled “Settings” or “Print Layout” and locate the option that allows you to print speaker notes. Depending on your version of PowerPoint, this option may be labeled differently. Common labels include “Full Page Slides,” “Handouts,” or “Notes Pages.”

Step 4: Select Speaker Notes Option

Once you’ve located the appropriate print layout option, select it to ensure that your speaker notes will be included in the printed document. This will typically generate a printout with each slide displayed alongside its corresponding speaker notes.

Step 5: Customize Print Settings (Optional)

Depending on your preferences, you may wish to customize additional print settings before proceeding. This could include adjusting the number of slides per page, choosing color or grayscale printing, or selecting specific slides to print. Take a moment to review and adjust these settings as needed.

Step 6: Print Your Presentation

With your print settings configured to include speaker notes, you’re ready to print your PowerPoint presentation. Ensure that your printer is properly connected and loaded with paper, then click the “Print” button in the print settings dialog box. Alternatively, you can use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + P (Command + P on Mac) to initiate the printing process.


Printing PowerPoint slides with speaker notes provides presenters with a convenient reference tool for delivering effective presentations. By following the simple steps outlined in this guide, you can easily print your PowerPoint presentation with speaker notes included. Whether you’re preparing for a business meeting, academic lecture, or public speaking engagement, having your speaker notes in hand can boost your confidence and ensure a smooth presentation experience. Take advantage of this feature to enhance your presentation preparation and delivery skills.